Clouds of points defined on a tilt series (format)

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This is the most basic format to define sets of coordinates on a tilt series.

Basic Format description

It is simply a numerical matrix, where first and second columns describe coordinates in x and y, and the third column assigns the point in a row to a tilt number. With this information, you are establishing a set of <it>unindexed observations,i.e., there is no info about which observations maybe related to each other in different tilts.

Indexed observations

If you want to assign an <it>identity to each observation, i.e., to assign an unique index to a subset of coordinates, each in a different frame, you can just add a fourth column with that index.


Clouds are simply numerical matrices; as such there is no particular extension to read and write them into disk.


There are several tools for manipulation of clouds under dpktilt.aux.clouds


You can get an (easy to manipulate) cloud of points from a (more complex) shapeSet object.
>> s = dread('alignTest.AWF/workingMarkers.dms');
>> s.getIndexedCloud();