GPUs EMBO 2018
We exemplify the process of sending projects to the GPU by the creation and running of a synthetic project.
Creation of the project
- Create a tutorial project
dtutorial t -p ptest -M 100
This project ptestcontains 100 synthetic thermosomes.
- Adapt the project to be ran on a GPU environment
dvput ptest destination matlab_gpu
- Passes a group of GPU identifiers. Assuming that we just want to use 2 GPUs:
dvput ptest gpu_identifier_set 0:1
We assign temporarily the gpu identifiers 0 and 1. The queue will assign dynamically some other couple of free identifiers during runtime.
- Unfolds the project:
dvunfold ptest
It creates a script called ptest.m that needs to be submitted to the GPU.
Submission of the project
Submission script model
There is a sample submission script located in
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -p gpu #SBATCH -N 1 #stay on a single node. remove for CPU jobs #SBATCH -J jobname # change this #SBATCH --ntasks=1; #SBATCH -o run.out # STDOUT #SBATCH -e run.err # STDERR #SBATCH --gres=gpu:2 # XXXX CHANGE THIS #SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL #SBATCH --mem=12GB #SBATCH --time=0-03:00:00 module load dynamo export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$EBROOTGCC/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH module load CUDA/9.1.85_387.26-GCC-6.4.0-2.28 echo $CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES MYPROJECT="ptest" # PUT HERE THE NAME OF YOUR PROJECT echo "dvput $MYPROJECT -gpu_identifier_set $CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES" > echo "dvunfold $MYPROJECT" >> dynamo chmod u=rxw ./$MYPROJECT.m ./$MYPROJECT.m
Adapt the script to the project
You can copy the script to your local folder (where you have created the project) and edit it to match the requirements of the project. Basically, you need to change the number of GPUs, the name of the project. Rename it to something you can identify later, like ptest.script
cp /g/embo2018/cryo06/Dynamo/test/submit.script ptest.script
To edit the new script, use
emacs ptest.script
Operate the changes in the EMACS terminal. To leave, press Ctrl+x then Ctrl+c
Submit the script
srun ptest.script